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Make sure your marketing technology works for you, not against you.

Marketing technology is definitely starting to approach the “too much” boundary by attempting to solve marketers’ every conceivable challenge. At some point the bottomless buffet starts to give you heartburn: More than half of marketers point to fragmented technology as a top barrier to marketing success.

There’s a lot to love about marketing technology. But you want to make sure it’s working for you, not against you.

This guide will discuss our recent research and learning on marketing technology, including:

  • What core technologies are needed for each function in the marketing organization.
  • How to see the interdependencies between marketing functions and core technologies.
  • Where to prioritize investments.
  • How to make the most of your marketing technology investments.

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This guide will discuss our recent research and learning on marketing technology, including:

  • What core technologies are needed for each function in the marketing organization.
  • How to see the interdependencies between marketing functions and core technologies.
  • Where to prioritize investments.
  • How to make the most of your marketing technology investments.