Webinar Game-changers: How Riot Games powers immersive content experiences with Bynder

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The DAM journey of British Council

The British Council specializes in international cultural and educational opportunities. Active in over 100 countries they build connections, understanding and trust between the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language.

Join us during this interactive webinar for a deep dive into the DAM journey of the British Council. We will discuss their:

  • Initial needs for a DAM
  • Search for the right vendor
  • Key learnings in the process
  • Company results after implementing Bynder's DAM

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Jamie Allan

Jamie AllanLinkedIn
Brand Standards Manager
British Council

Ali Sanders

Ali SandersLinkedIn
Brand Director
British Council

Margot Pijls

Margot PijlsLinkedIn
Sr. Field Marketing Manager

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