Webinar Game-changers: How Riot Games powers immersive content experiences with Bynder

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How successful brands are using DAM to be more efficient and embrace digital transformation

With the accelerated migration of marketing spend to digital channels, marketing and creative teams are being asked to create more digital content with less resources and be more efficient. Now more than ever, organizations need cost control, efficiency, and flexibility out of their tech stack and the tools they use to create and distribute digital content.

The Bynder team will share tips and real-life examples of how successful brands are able to reduce spend, kickstart digital transformation, and greatly increase the productivity of their marketing and creative teams with a scalable, cloud-based Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform. We will dive into how teams using DAM are able to:

  • Massively reduce spend on new content creation and product launches
  • Deliver the growing volume of digital content using existing resources
  • Streamline on-brand content production and increase marketing efficiency
  • Calculate cost and efficiency savings with their own business metrics

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Georgi Mirazchiev

Georgi Mirazchiev
Digital Marketing Specialist UK

Sean Hargrave

Sean HargraveLinkedIn
Writing and comms - Freelance journalist, media trainer

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