Webinar Game-changers: How Riot Games powers immersive content experiences with Bynder

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Pivot faster and better with DAM

COVID-19 is forcing brands across all industries to pivot their plans and strategies. But can they answer the simple question: how?

Join Bynder and inRiver to hear best practices and stories around technology's role in executing faster and more effective marketing pivots, resulting in:

  • Rapid rollout of new assets as needed to fit market conditions
  • Automated workflow for continuously updating existing content in market
  • Leveraging new channels now to reach new buyers tomorrow

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Brian Kavanaugh

Brian KavanaughLinkedIn
Director, Global Field and Customer Marketing

Gauri Chawla

Gauri ChawlaLinkedIn
Vice President, Global Alliances

Margot Pijls

Margot PijlsLinkedIn
Sr. Field Marketing Manager

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