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Interview with Stage Entertainment about Bynder

Famous for its high-quality productions, shows and musicals, Stage Entertainment is one of the biggest theatre producers and owners. The decentralized management of their digital assets resulted in inefficiency, brand inconsistency and a huge loss of time. Thanks to Bynder, Stage Entertainment can now manage all digital assets efficiently.


We have 20 theaters, so can you imagine? We have to sell 36,000 tickets every night, it's like a football stadium. But in football they play once a week. We play every night. So can you imagine why we need good marketing and the photographs from Bynder.

This is the AFAS Circus Theater, which is the first theater in our stage entertainment portfolio. And originally it was built for real circuses with clowns and horses and all these kind of entertainment. And later on Joop van den Ende bought the theater for one Dutch guilder and he said, I want to make a real musical theater out of it. He started with Les Miserables and the Phantom of the Opera. And now, as you can see, we have the Lion King here, which is one of the best musicals ever made.

Bynder really works on improving the system. We need to be able to access our assets 24/7, which really works so perfectly with Bynder. When we have opening nights, the television studios don't wait for us. So if we want to have our show on television that same night, or in the newspapers the next morning, we need to send the photos and the commercials, the links to the video material right away, and we can do it here on our iPhones, and that's helpful.