Webinar How Eddie Bauer + LIV Golf deliver exceptional digital content experiences — with Bynder

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Align Technology Keynote at Dreamforce 2022


Warren Daniels - Bynder

We're privileged to have Kristen from Align Technology with us who's gonna share her experiences, best practices of implementing DAM and integrating that with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. But prior to that, I think it would be remiss of me not to do a short introduction to Bynder and who we are and why Digital Asset Management, I think is so relevant in today's world and the digital economy.

So Bynder, about 10 years old, cloud native digital asset management leader in the Forester Wave: digital asset management for customer experience that were published earlier this year. You can think about digital asset management as the authoritative single source of truth for creative content, but actually it's so much more than that.

It's the engine that now powers digital experiences and customer experiences. And increasingly is enabling organizations to deliver exceptional content experiences to organizations. And we do that at significant scale. More than 3,700 customers rely on us and call on Bynder to serve more than 4 billion assets every single month in order to power these digital experiences. We've got a long and established relationship with Salesforce. You are here today to hear from Align, around how they have utilized the cloud connector for Marketing Cloud. And in addition to that, we have SDKs for Commerce Cloud and the Web Lightning Component as well.

So why is digital asset management more relevant today than ever, and why is it often overlooked? I think in the context of digital experience suites and, and ecosystems, I think that first and foremost, it's important to recognize what's happening in terms of the state of content and the market proliferating number of assets and channels and touch points. That are serving omnichannel via journeys and increasing demand on content volume and content production. And organizations are struggling to keep up with the pace and complexity of these changes. And so digital asset management platforms are much more than storage and organizational capabilities.

There's a create component that enables organizations to scale content production and enable content operations in order to drive faster time to market. And then because content doesn't live in a vacuum on its own, how do we distribute content? So how do we automate the creation of content to serve multiple channels and multiple touch points?

You think of a varieties of different sizes of advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and so on and so forth. You know, the ability to take one core asset and then automate the production of all the other assets for all those other channels in a consistent way, becomes critically important to consistent omnichannel customer journeys and content experiences, and then connection to other solutions like CMS, e-commerce and marketing automation platforms. The likes of Salesforce Marketing Cloud being one becomes critically important, and Bynder has and the largest number of integrations to these types of solutions in the market today.

And I think that's a really, really good segue actually to hand off to Kristin in order for her to share some of her experiences of why Align Technology implemented them, the value they've got from it, and the subsequent value they've got from their integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Kristin Winterhalter - Align Technology

I'm Kristin, I'm from Align Technology. I lead commercial software for Align for the America's region and so we implemented Bynder last year and it's been a really powerful tool for us.

I'm really excited to share some of our learnings and what's on the horizon for us next. For those of you not familiar with us, we are the company behind Invisalign Smiles. So we have Invisalign, iTero, and exocad. iTero is our intra oral scanner that you might have experienced at the orthodontist or the dentist, and then exocad is a software platform that we use as well. So we are a tech company at heart, in addition to being a medical device organization. So how did we approach this content strategy? Well, how many of you have people at your organization who decide to make their own content because they can't find the most recent version or decide to edit it themselves and put it in the market?

It's a legacy problem that we have had at Align. We have had things in Teams sites. We have had them in SharePoint sites. We have our field reps who create their own assets when they can't find the most recent version. It runs into all sorts of issues from invalid promotions to just off-brand content circulating in the market. So we had a big issue that we were looking to address, and what we wanted to do was have everything in a centralized platform where we edit once and we publish everywhere. It's a big ask to take on, but we had to do it in a systematic way that made sense for our organization. So what we did is we already had Marketing Cloud in place.

We are a Salesforce shop, so we have Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and a whole suite of the other products as well. We wanted something that integrated natively with Marketing Cloud and some of our other platforms as well. So we worked with Bynder on what this could look like for us. Early on we started focusing on just some of our core functionality that we wanted to get through, like our email automations. Branded things that we were sending out as a marketing organization. We didn't have a lot of integrations in place, so it was taking a long time for the creative team to make the asset, then send it over to the automation team. They imported it into Marketing Cloud, and that process started to become really time consuming when you're talking about wanting to move at scale across our different audiences.

We also resulted in the same problem I mentioned earlier where things got out of date really quickly, even if it was something as simple as like footers with the right length, with the right terminology, whatever you're trying to reference. So we ended up with a problem of cycle time over and over.

So what did we do? We implemented Bynder. We put everything together and we started with Marketing Cloud as our hub. So now all of our email templates, our assets, our images, anything we pull into automation lives and Bynder, it's published there and it is real time available for our automation team to access. If we sunset anything, we change branding, we change the promotion. We pull it out of Bynder and it is no longer a marketing cloud for them to use. They don't have to worry about whether they have the right information that they're sending out to hundreds of thousands of people through our communications.

That's our first step. It also enables the automation team to understand when we've done something different. So they get updates on what we've done, what we've changed. They know who did it and where it came from. It gave us consistency in how we communicate with all of our audiences across our consumers and our doctors as well. But more than that, it gave us peace of mind, right? That no one's gonna come and yell at us for having the wrong information in circulation.

This is what we had to do because anytime you implement a new piece of technology, you also have to implement a process around it for sustainability. So this is how we incorporated Bynder into our approval process. So you can see that marketing design approval, and then sales and customers run across the top. That's our flow. So marketing does something. It needs to go through the design team, get the right approvals all the way up through legal, corp comms, branding. Then it becomes available to sales, and then ultimately our customers. Underneath all of that is the underpinning of an approval flow, and we use Bynder to manage that approval flow as well. So the asset can be created, uploaded, routed for the right levels of approvals, because of the Marketing Cloud integration, automatically flow into the platform, and then there's no question of if it's approved or not for use.

That's where we're at now. Demand is increased substantially, though. We have a sales enablement app that our team uses every single day in the field for their customers. Our next step is to take this integration into that app. It's an app that we build ourselves. It's built overlaid on the Salesforce platform. Because Bynder can integrate there, we now have the ability to automate it into our sales enablement app. So marketing's covered. Next step is sales enablement. As we work through our different teams and groups that use assets on our side, we'll systematically go through each implementation.

2023 is all about the sales team and getting them the right pitch decks, the right brochures, the right promotional sheets, one pagers, whatever it is that they're using in a digital way. The other piece we're gonna work on is our website. So the other variable component to our business is our website. All times changing with the most up to date information.

Same concept, you integrate with Bynder, you edit once, it publishes everywhere. So if we edit an asset in Bynder that is linked in Marketing Cloud, in our sales app and the website, I only edit it there, publish it. It's available on across all platforms. The teams also get their notifications to know we made a change. So if for some reason their customer had old information, they now know they need to notify them. It's new.

We can pull this into Marketing Cloud like we talked about. It's single use. You can see it in the platform here. So we can see for interactive content, reference content, social content, it's all categorized the way we need it to. And depending on what we're publishing, it flows into those buckets for the automation teams to use. As I mentioned, our next integrations are gonna come through APIs as well. We also are looking at our education forum. So we are a business that educates our doctors in a lot of ways. We have faculty producing third party content that has currently routed through email to our different teams throughout our business, whether it's legal brand even our marketing teams as well.

So what if we can get our third party customers into our asset management platform for their Powerpoints? It's a little bit more manual, but we can also streamline that process and centralize everything from our faculty members and our teaching staff into a single platform that we then control, right? So they're accessing it from our platform as opposed to trying to distribute it themselves.