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Before you purchase a new DAM (digital asset management) solution, you may need a new job function to drive it forward and a stakeholder team for support, in order to ensure the project will survive and thrive.

If you're considering a DAM change and find yourself thinking, "wow this feels like a full-time job"... you're right! Many organizations don't have the plan or personnel in place to own that project, and that's when it's time to build out a team or committee.

This document will be a great start to get your team aligned on the right path.

What's included:

  • Part 1: Finding your DAM champion to lead the initiative
  • Part 2: Rounding out your DAM team with stakeholder support
  • Part 3: 15 critical thinking questions to ask candidates in interviews
  • Part 4: Digital Asset Manager job description template

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What's included:

  • Part 1: Finding your DAM champion to lead the initiative
  • Part 2: Rounding out your DAM team with stakeholder support
  • Part 3: 15 critical thinking questions to ask candidates in interviews
  • Part 4: Digital Asset Manager job description template