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Print Brand Templates

Accelerate on-brand content creation and collaboration

Print Brand Templates enables quick content creation and approvals—while sticking to design principles so you can get more out of your marketing.
  • Fully integrated into Workflow approvals & annotations
  • Create brand assets without specialist skills
  • Speed up time to market and scale creation
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Accelerate on-brand content creation and collaboration

Why Print Brand Templates?

Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly

Extend designs to editable print templates so you can repurpose and personalize content for different campaigns and markets.

With no design skills needed, marketers can create their own print-ready materials and send it for approval, without relying on extra creative resources.

94% of clients create assets faster with Bynder. — DAM ROI Report
Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly Create a high-volume of on-brand content quickly

Collaborate on and approve assets in one place

Bring in the right people at the right time with configurable creative workflows.

Leave comments, annotations and compare file versions side by side, notifying team members at each stage to help eliminate process bottlenecks from start to finish.

86% of clients reported better collaboration within their organization since using Bynder.
Collaborate on and approve assets in one place Collaborate on and approve assets in one place Collaborate on and approve assets in one place Collaborate on and approve assets in one place Collaborate on and approve assets in one place Collaborate on and approve assets in one place

Content is always on-brand and up-to-date

Ensure your marketing content is always consistent by defining elements and rules that control the way designs can be edited.

The last step is reviewing creations to make sure they align with brand and messaging guidelines. The outcome is on-brand and print-ready creations, ready to be used.

We’re using Brand Templates daily for not only creating new assets, but re-using existing ones too. We can make minor adjustments to a ‘Master’ asset for different languages and markets, while still communicating a uniformly ‘Nordea’ style. It saves so much time!
Nordea grey
Content is always on-brand and up-to-date Content is always on-brand and up-to-date Content is always on-brand and up-to-date Content is always on-brand and up-to-date Content is always on-brand and up-to-date Content is always on-brand and up-to-date

What are Print Brand Templates?

In today's world, brands investing in offline print materials and campaigns across various markets and channels need to ensure brand consistency and efficiency to get the most out of their investments. Dispersed and numerous stakeholders, like agencies, partners and design teams, make localizing and re-using print designs much more complex.

Print Brand Templates help teams create on-brand print templates in an instant. Designers can build reusable templates with their favorite tools (Photoshop, Sketch); defining rules that control how creative may be edited. Certain elements, such as logo or typeface, can be locked, while others, such as copy and imagery, are able to be ‘swapped out’ each time natively within the module; even by those with zero design skills.

With Print Brand Templates, marketers can use editable templates to produce as much content as they want without changing the design, allowing creatives to focus on impactful work without any fear of having off-brand content.

Templates, like business cards and print ads, can be pre-filled with user details, meaning everyone can create on-brand, personalized content quickly and easily.

What are the benefits of using Bynder’s Print Brand Templates?

Create, re-use, and scale content

Speed up production and reduce interruptions by enabling anyone to create their own branded content—such as brochures, billboards, or point-of-sale advertising—for offline use. Re-use and localize designs that have already been created; no design skills needed.

Maintain brand consistency

Set boundaries for print templates to retain branded elements like fonts, logos, and colors so all content created represents your brand. Let users choose from already approved imagery from your asset library for even more control. Set up approvals and annotate directly in Bynder so everything that goes out is on-brand, always.

Save time for higher-value creative work

By empowering teams to create their own content, dependencies on designers to make simple changes to imagery or text are removed. Consequently, delivery is faster than ever before and designers are free to focus on real creative work. In-app collaboration and reviews reduce the need to chase down different stakeholders for feedback and approvals.

What common problems does Print Brand Templates solve?

Using Print Brand Templates makes the job of producing content much faster and easier. It solves a host of major problems that you might not even think about unless you’re a creator who faces them every day. These include the following:

Unprofessional, off-brand collateral

If you don’t use approved templates, you run the risk of publishing poorly designed material that presents your brand in a poor light. Brand templates ensure you maximize the ROI of your design resources.

The need to recreate existing content

The last thing you need to happen when deadlines are short is the issue of having to redo something at the last minute. Approved templates make this problem less likely to happen, and ensure you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you need to create a new business card, brochure, or flyer.

Using out-of-date branded content

When Bynder automatically updates templates and the associated assets, there’s no risk of using outdated branding. You can’t expect your creators to be aware of all the updates that happen throughout the year. Likewise, your partners can’t be expected to know what your current branding includes.

Relying on highly skilled designers for every job

When you use brand templates, you don’t need to call your top designers to work on every small job. Brand templates make it easy for people in other departments to work on approved assets.

Having stakeholders field constant requests to email brand guidelines

Enabling self-service with Bynder ensures that people can get what they need when they need it, while also making sure that the guidelines are up-to-date.

See what Bynder can do for you

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