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Certified since 2021 · 2 specialists

Founded in 2018 by photographers with a knack for turning chaos into calm, Stacks has grown into a global services provider focused on helping brands get the most out of their DAMs. After years of delivering content to their clients, a common theme emerged: no matter when or where a photoshoot took place, the client was always able to find the right asset whenever they needed it. With a strong focus on metadata, organization, and process in their own work, the Stacks team began extending their expertise to brands struggling to manage their growing libraries.

Today Stacks provides a full suite of professional services ranging from consultations focused more on education, alignment and pre-DAM activities to builds, migrations, and monthly management. Stacks' team of DAM architects, visual curators, and project managers can not only advise on best practices, but help support existing DAM managers and teams with a variety of ingestion, tagging, and organizational services.


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Service tags

  • Project Management
  • Technical Consultancy