Webinar Game-changers: How Riot Games powers immersive content experiences with Bynder

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Certified since 2021 · 3 specialists

Go4Flow helps Bynder partners and customers automate the file- and metadata-flow from and to Bynder. In the back-end this can be by monitoring local or cloud storage (FTP, Amazon S3, Dropbox …) to pick up files and upload them into Bynder. Or integrate with other REST API’s or SQL databases to read or write metadata.

Monitor Bynder to notify/report about events like “new assets”, “metadata inconsistency”, “invalid file naming”, “asset expiring” … Or enrich the metadata with e.g. synonyms.


  • EMEA


  • Belgium

Service tags

  • E-commerce / D-commerce
  • Product Information (PIM)
  • Technical Consultancy