Webinar Game-changers: How Riot Games powers immersive content experiences with Bynder

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Certified since 2020 · 4 specialists

Emakina, an EPAM company, is a leading independent European digital agency with global reach. Its technology and marketing experts in 12 countries work in concert with their clients to grow their business and brand value. Together, they gain the necessary user insights to develop highly effective strategies and creations. These include cutting-edge applications, websites, e-commerce projects, impactful content and campaigns.

Emakina designs and executes wonderful, useful, effective, original and memorable user experiences. As the ambassadors for users, the agency places their expectations and requirements at the heart of any digital experience. This user-centric approach guides the design and production of any digital experience worthy of that name. It offers Emakina's customers and their brands a privileged relationship with their new leaders: the consumers of the digital age.


  • EMEA


  • Belgium

Service tags

  • Content Management (CMS)
  • E-commerce / D-commerce