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DAM United

DAM United

Certified since 2021 · 3 specialists

DAM United was founded in 2017 as a merger of some of the most experienced DAM experts in Europe. Since then, the team offers customized full service for all project sizes. This includes strategy workshops and 100% vendor-neutral consulting for system selection as well as implementation, customizing, training, support and hosting. Numerous efficiency-enhancing in-house developments round off the portfolio.

"There is no requirement in the DAM environment that we have not already solved. Right from the start, we make sure that DAM doesn't become a silo for our customers, but rather connects in a productive way with PIM, CMS, store engine, streaming server, ERP, etc.," is how DAM United CEO Roland Berg captures the point. The neutral DAM experts work from Berlin and Essen for international customers such as Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, GELSENWASSER, Gimborn, Kerbl, Musterring, Senate Administrations Berlin, STAEDTLER and many more. With the "Simplify your DAM" solutions, the DAM professionals also increase the usability of the market-leading DAM systems for specific user groups or application situations.


  • EMEA


  • Germany

Service tags

  • Content Management (CMS)
  • Product Information (PIM)
  • Project Management
  • Technical Consultancy