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Modern Slavery Statement

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Introduction & Business Organization & Supply Chain

This Modern Slavery Statement (“Statement”) is made on behalf of Bynder Holding B.V. pursuant to Section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Section 14 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018. Bynder Holding B.V. is the parent company of 6 direct subsidiaries including Bynder Ltd and Bynder Pty Ltd. (hereinafter collectively referred as “Bynder”).

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It encompasses the deprivation of a person’s freedom by another for the purpose of exploiting them for personal or commercial gains. It can take many forms, including slavery, servitude, human trafficking, and forced labour.

Bynder is a global SaaS provider of a Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform designed to offer organizations a smart and easy way to create, organize, find and share digital content and branding materials. As a SaaS company, Bynder’s key suppliers consist of (a) data centers that host its platform, (b) other SaaS providers; and (c) suppliers who enable Bynder to operate its facilities such as reception and security.

This Statement relates to Bynder’s actions and activities during the financial year beginning on 01/01/2024 and ending on 31/12/2024

Policies & Training

Bynder is committed to respecting human rights as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Core Conventions of the ILO and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We believe that it is essential to highlight the importance of compliance with human rights laws at the very start of the Bynder journey. Therefore, as part of our onboarding package, every Bynder employee is required to complete a mandatory ethics training which entails referencing to and getting familiar with our policies against modern slavery in order to make sure all our employees know what to look out for and how to raise concerns. Similarly, we expect our key suppliers (i) to have sufficient, adequate and transparent anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and procedures in place; and (ii) commit to the core values of United Nations Global Compact.

We are a values-led organization with a suite of internal and external policies that set out our expectations and standards. In our employee handbooks, supplier policies, management activities and business operations we communicate our values to our employees and suppliers, and we emphasize that we do not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking. On a regular basis we review our policies to ensure that they stay up-to-date and compliant with the current legislation and practices.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

Every person within our organization has the responsibility to prevent, detect and report suspected violations of this Statement, human rights principles or other laws and regulations taking place in any part of our organization or supply chain. Any suspected violation can be reported to the Bynder Legal Team directly at legal@bynder.com.

Next Steps

We are committed to staying vigilant against any possible violations of human rights within our organization and supply chain. Currently, we are in the process of developing a specific anti-slavery and human trafficking module to take place within our ethics training as part of the onboarding of new employees. This new module is expected to be published during 2024 and will be mandatory for all employees. Upon incorporation of this module, this Statement shall be updated accordingly.

This Statement shall be reviewed before the end of each financial year and amended as required by any significant changes in the legislation.

Bob Hickey
Chief Executive Officer