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DAM Vendor Selection Guide

Our independent DAM Vendor Selection Guide, produced in partnership with London Research, aims to clarify both the overall process and the individual stages you need to go through before you sign a contract with your chosen vendor.

From building the business case to defining and agreeing on the internal requirements and ultimately evaluating the best vendor for your needs, our DAM Vendor Selection Guide will help you choose the right provider for your needs and ensure your DAM project is a success.
  • An 8-step vendor selection process walkthrough
  • The 15 main criteria to look out for when shortlisting potential vendors
  • An easy to use vendor scoring matrix to rank the different providers you have shortlisted

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  • An 8-step vendor selection process walkthrough
  • The 15 main criteria to look out for when shortlisting potential vendors
  • An easy to use vendor scoring matrix to rank the different providers you have shortlisted