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Definition: Headless DAM

What is a headless DAM (Digital asset management) tool?

A headless DAM (Digital asset management) tool is a digital asset management system that doesn’t require interaction from the user through a dashboard or front-end interface. Headless digital asset management connects seamlessly with commonly used business systems and collaboration tools like CRM, PIM, and CMS through an API. It is the ideal solution for businesses that need to store, manage, and distribute a large amount of digital files—but also who need a complex network of teams, tools, and systems to access and manage their assets.

Most businesses that use headless DAM will require custom solutions to meet their specific objectives and use cases. They will usually need a skilled, internal team to manage the headless DAM system.

Think your company could benefit from a digital asset management system? Have a look at our handy guide "Winning the digital shelf".

What are the benefits of headless digital asset management?

Better control of assets
All files contained in the headless DAM reside in one centralized, secure location. This means every asset can be accessed by permitted users from anywhere, at any time, and only the correct file is used. This also helps companies to build brand awareness and brand recall.

Customizable, scalable solution
While headless DAM requires some internal management, it also enables brands to build customized interfaces that meet the specific needs of the company—now and in the future. You’re not confined to specific integrations or technology stacks meaning users can create a tailor-made mix of tools and platforms to solve specific business challenges and meet objectives.