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Definition: Brand experience

What is brand experience?

The definition of brand experience is the collective responses an individual or group has with a brand. This could include emotions, interactions, sensations, thoughts, or any other kind of reaction. Brand experience is the lasting impression that a company creates with their customer or the general public and how the brand affects their feelings and behavior.

Creating a good brand experience is essential as it helps companies build positive associations between their brand and audience. Great brand experience boosts brand recognition and brand awareness and demonstrates the company and customers have shared values and beliefs.

Marketers responsible for brand experience design aim to cultivate long-term trust and loyalty with their audience by positively influencing the entire customer journey. So, every time a customer thinks about or discusses their brand, they experience a particular emotion or feel a certain way. For example, energy drinks brands want to elicit excitement and motivation, whereas cybersecurity companies hope to make people feel safe and protected.

3 tips for creating a great brand experience

Great brand experience marketing incorporates every element of your brand communication strategy, including tone of voice and messaging, brand image, user experience, and customer service. Here are some tips for creating a great brand experience:

Make the best first impression
All positive brand experiences start with a good first impression. From making sure your website loads quickly to providing a welcoming atmosphere in your office or showroom, this is your opportunity to establish yourself as the brand your customer should choose and remain loyal to. Promote your brand’s identity and purpose from the get-go and ensure that it percolates throughout the entire customer experience.

Be authentic
Customers want to align themselves with brands that are credible and authentic. To demonstrate you are genuine and trustworthy, you must be consistent in your messaging and visual communications and know what you stand for. Originality is vital and copying others is an absolute no-no. Believe in your brand, and others will believe in you. Read The brand marketers guide to 2021 to hear our thoughts about what we really mean when we say, “Be authentic.”

Tell your brand’s story
Whether your company is a cutting-edge tech start-up or a conservative financial services provider, you need to tell a meaningful brand story. This brand storytelling approach should permeate every touchpoint your customers have with your brand, from your logo design to your social media posts to your email newsletter. Humanize your brand story by including your team in the narrative as well as your founder story. Your customers are far more likely to relate to a brand composed of real people who are inspired and inspiring. Check out our guide to brand storytelling to learn more.