Raymour & Flanigan

Raymour & Flanigan
Business Impact

2024 Winner
Business Impact

Raymour & Flanigan

Raymour & Flanigan is the largest furniture and mattress retailer in the Northeast of the US and the seventh largest nationwide. Privately held and family-owned, Raymour & Flanigan is committed to creating exceptional omnichannel experiences, across its 145+ retail stores and online. As customers' needs continuously change, the organization strives to be agile and react to market trends whilst maintaining its strong brand presence.

Company size: 5,000+ employees

Locations: US

Industry: Consumer Brands & Retail

Length of Bynder partnership: 2+ years

Why is Raymour & Flanigan a winner?

Raymour & Flanigan's adoption of Bynder DAM, has had a transformative impact on its operations, resulting in tangible ROI, enhanced marketing efforts, and streamlined asset management processes. By switching to Bynder DAM, the organization immediately saved $125,000.

Congratulations to Raymour & Flanigan! I loved seeing how Bynder was used to overhaul its asset library, enhance findability, and uncover significant cost savings.
— Alexandra Lingard, Vice President, Strategic Resources Group at THL Partners
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Challenges pre-Bynder

Before onboarding Bynder, Raymour & Flanigan had a different DAM solution that wasn’t widely adopted or used. The organization faced a significant challenge when creating and distributing content for new campaigns to drive business growth.

The marketing team had to consistently produce new content for thousands of existing products, and the 500+ new products that arrived each month. With a legacy DAM that was unable to provide a seamless flow of assets from its in-house photography team to the wider marketing team, Raymour & Flanigan identified an opportunity to solve three big challenges in its siloed workflow:

  1. Enhancing the asset findability from its photography portfolio and promoting content reuse
  2. Breaking down siloed workflows to promote stronger collaboration
  3. Introducing a new, efficient way of distributing assets to market

Bynder’s impact

Raymour & Flanigan’s Bynder DAM houses over 100,000 assets including 70,000+ product images, 11,000+ lifestyle assets, and 10,000+ marketing assets. This has bridged the gap between creative teams and the wider marketing team, with source files and finished creative available within the same platform. Bynder’s Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT), fully automates the asset optimization process for its omnichannel marketing approach and ensures the right assets make it in front of the right people at the right time.

By switching providers from its previous DAM to Bynder's AI-powered DAM, Raymour & Flanigan saved an estimated $125,000.

We have a ‘primary product asset’ in Bynder that contains all of the information about a product. We leverage the ‘linked assets’ feature in Bynder so that with just a glance you’re able to see if the asset can be used. Our marketing and creative teams can work really quickly to find and retrieve the active assets they can use.
— Nicole DeHaven, Digital Asset Manager at Raymour & Flanigan

Bynder DAM promotes asset reuse through metadata management, tagging, and controlling asset visibility based on SKU status. Teams can quickly find lifestyle and e-commerce assets to deliver to market and avoid the costs of creating new content that they previously couldn’t find.

We work with partners who list their products for sale on our sites, and previously we had to choose the assets we wanted from them and transfer them over. Now there’s a workflow that does just that, and our partners can directly upload assets to Bynder, controlled through Wrike.

Bynder’s open and composable platform was a great fit with Raymour & Flanigan’s wider martech stack. This created an opportunity to integrate Bynder with the project management solution Wrike, creating a connected digital ecosystem that significantly impacts the business's operations.

Bynder has also integrated with Raymour & Flanigan’s CMS of choice, Optimizely, allowing it to streamline content distribution and make the content publishing process seamless and time-saving. Creating a more fluid, streamlined way of working has strengthened these partnerships, and means content gets to market faster to drive ROI.

One of our key integrations is between Bynder and Optimizely. It allows our website content authors to choose and place assets on the site directly from Bynder. Apart from the obvious workflow speed benefits, this also fuels alt text and will enable more work ahead on our roadmap, including shoppable images. We are now able to seamlessly replace assets on site simply by updating the new version in Bynder, which, along with the aforementioned workflow benefit, saves people countless hours of time.
We have a lot of creative materials. So if something is changed slightly, like a 30-day guarantee becomes a 90-day one, previously we’d have to manually try and find them all. Now we can instantly find all materials that mention it with text-in-image search, and then easily replace it.
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