Before the world was hyper-connected by the internet, social media, virtual reality, mobile apps, and the 24-hour news cycle, branding was a simpler and slower process. Now, making sure your brand is current, clear, and consistent across all media channels has become a frantic race to keep up with ever-changing technology. The best way to “Keep Calm and Brand On” is by employing brand management software.

So now we see you nodding your head in agreement about trying to keep your brand’s head above the constantly-rising tech waters. And we’re also betting that you’re wondering just what the heck brand management software is.

What is brand management software from a high level?

The 20,000 ft. view of brand management software is a tool that organizations use to keep their branded content organized, and if used correctly ensures that every brand touchpoint is consistent.

What does brand management software do exactly?

Brand management software is a central hub for all branded content and a place where approved assets can be created, stored, organized, and shared with individuals and teams within an organization, as well as vendors, partners, and clients outside of it.

What are the 5 most important features brand management software should have?

  1. A central repository for your branding assets that’s convenient and accessible to all stakeholders
  2. A place where brand guidelines can be housed and easily accessed and updated when necessary
  3. The ability to control permissions and access to content within the software
  4. The ability for users to create and customize brand-approved assets from approved templates
  5. A method to collaborate and distribute assets quickly and from any location

So many software options…how to choose?

The brand management software landscape continues to evolve with an ever-widening category, with feature sets blurring between companies, on-premise system vs. cloud-based SaaS service choices, and users demanding more functionality and integration with existing technology.

All of this is enough to make your head spin. And on top of that are services that swim in the same waters as brand management software but specialize in a focused area, such as digital asset management software (DAM), content management system software (CMS), marketing automation software, and brand monitoring/reputation software.

Make the right choice by following these 7 steps:

  1. Assemble a team that represents the different types of stakeholders who will be using the software
  2. Plan your timeline with clear deadlines on research, comparison, references, purchase, and implementation
  3. Align your software purchase with strategic business goals and objectives
  4. Identify critical requirements that the software must have based on the current challenges you face
  5. Compare the best solutions from a narrowed list of vendors who meet your company’s needs
  6. Talk to those that currently use the software solutions on your shortlist
  7. Make a decision after all your due diligence and plan the implementation process with your new partner

Inside this book you’ll find out:

  • How to prepare to purchase brand management software
  • Why you need to document and update brand management guidelines
  • How brand templates make content creators more productive
  • Why you need a brand library
  • How to manage creative workflows and reduce time for approval cycles

Looking for even more info on brand management software?

Check out a quick overview, get the brand management slide deck, or download our white paper on Brand Management for Modern Marketers.

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