Think back over the past year to all the different forms of marketing you have been exposed to. Chances are, the messages that stick out in your mind are closely associated with a strong brand—whether it’s a precocious spokeswoman, or a talking reptile for insurance companies, or a perfectly timed cookie ad during the Superbowl blackout. A carefully crafted message can go a long way. The best known companies and organizations around the world have succeeded in sticking their message in our minds because they’ve excelled at one key skill: strategic brand management.

Today, a company’s brand is increasingly synonymous with its content, be it a logo, company blog posts, sales presentations, or marketing campaigns. Strategic brand management goes hand in hand with careful control of the content that carries that brand’s messages.

Where you store these assets is just as important as the messaging the content conveys to your audience, and the reality of business today is that if you’re not using cloud data storage, you’re already behind. Most of us are already storing our personal documents, music and images in the Cloud—why not use business cloud computing for your organization? Content in the Cloud follows you wherever you go, which is a huge asset for marketing teams at organizations both large and small.

Just thank Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, the recognized inventor of cloud computing. Thanks to him, keeping your files secure and safe in the Cloud is the best way to grow your brand while successfully managing the deployment, organization, and online backup of your company’s valuable content.

Since the Cloud is accessible virtually anytime, anywhere, cloud storage solutions make it convenient for people across an organization to access content from any number of devices, whether it’s an office laptop or a tablet during an off-site sales pitch.

Cloud storage also provides marketing managers with real-time information about what content their teams are accessing. This also ensures that team members are only using approved branding materials, rather than creating their own versions on the fly. By sticking to consistent images and other materials across an organization, your brand can be stronger and more effective.

Cloud data storage also lets you easily monitor who is accessing files and what material they’re using with access controls. This gives brand managers effective control over a company’s assets and how they are being deployed across an organization. For example, using a cloud database, you can make sure a sales member is using the appropriate product materials, not outdated presentations or a PowerPoint about next year’s product launch.

As businesses and other organizations expand their global reach, they are creating more files and content than ever before. As teams become increasingly dispersed around the world, the need for an accessible and secure web-based content management system has never been greater. Today’s business environment demands consistent, around-the-clock access to a company’s most valuable assets—it’s branded content—with no room for risk of losing materials or poor organization

Your company’s brand hinges on the strength of all the content you have created to convey your message, so it’s imperative to be on the cutting edge of technology—the Cloud—when it comes to storing and managing that content.

Sign up for a free Bynder trial to find out how a cloud based DAM could benefit your organization.