Congratulations! Your organization has made a strategic decision to invest in digital asset management.
There really is so much to do to get ready for a digital asset management program. You may be tasked with hiring for DAM, migrating from a legacy DAM solution (or from a cloud-storage solution that isn’t really DAM), sending out an RFP to prospective digital asset management vendors, doing research on the top digital asset management vendors and much, much more!
But, before you start sending out RFPs, attending demo sessions, and evaluating trial or POC (Proof of Concept) environments you need to do some internal work to prepare for what is to come next.
That’s why we put together the 8 steps for DAM preparedness for enterprises getting ready to implement or optimize a DAM program at their organization.
Can your employees find the right content quickly?
Many organizations are struggling to organize, manage, route, share and find the content they are creating. The manual and time-consuming struggle of trying to remember where you stored an asset and then what you named it is not an isolated experience for many brands.

What can you accomplish in under 6 seconds?
The most successful companies can find the right content in under 6 seconds.

Get ready for DAM with these 8 key activities:
- Discovery & audits: Complete content and workflow discovery and digital asset audits
- Key stakeholders Create partnerships with key stakeholders: across the enterprise
- Information gathering: Prioritize use-cases
- Business requirements: Document and prioritize business requirements
- Resourcing & timelines: Estimate project resource allocations and timelines
- Program tracking: Monitor the progress towards milestones
- Current state: Assess DAM maturity
- Future success: Create a visual roadmap for your DAM program
Need more details on how to prepare your enterprise for digital asset management?