In today’s world, the increasing amount of touchpoints and higher customer expectations lead to brands needing to create more content than ever before. And in order to break through the clutter and attract and retain customers, creating consistent content experiences is becoming the differentiator in many markets.

By putting customer expectations at the heart of our activities, we are able to create customer loyalty and increase revenue. Yet, this is easier said than done. How can brands create meaningful creative work that really sets them apart from competitors in the digital space? How can brands optimally use technology, not only to improve workflows but also to optimize and scale campaigns?

Let’s take a deeper dive into how one Asset Management company streamlined its content production with Bynder while staying true to its ethos of being a “global business that is managed locally.”

Connected digital ecosystem

Schroders is one of the world’s largest asset management companies and is based in 38 locations across Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Schroders uses Digital Asset Management (DAM) technology to create content experiences for a large variety of channels and markets. Integrations simplify tech stacks and end-user experiences, meaning professionals no longer need to understand complex tools, while workflows and team collaboration will be seamless.

Farzana Ali, Brand & Advertising manager at Schroders, explains: “At Schroders, we have shifted our tech stack to have our DAM at the core of it. Our Bynder DAM is integrated with various other platforms, for example with ContentStack, our website platform.” This creates a simpler user journey which allows the organization to have a centralized solution to manage and distribute digital content easily across multiple markets, audiences and languages.

Creating content experiences at scale

A good content experience means delivering the right content to the right people at the right time. For content to resonate with the intended audiences, it needs to be relevant and contextualized. This is the only way to keep your customers engaged throughout the entire buyer journey. It’s no surprise then that a large variety of content will need to be managed with speed and agility in order to bring it to market in a timely manner. By seamlessly connecting and transforming content for distribution to different end-user touchpoints, you can save your in-house design team many hours of repetitive work so they can focus on new initiatives.

Farzana has experienced these benefits firsthand. In 2020, Schroders launched their biggest sustainability campaign yet across 35 countries, in 24 languages: Beyond Profit. They adopted a digital-first approach with video at its heart. The campaign saw tremendous results with a 352% increase in website traffic year on year based on a period of 8 months, and 64% of visitors to the website were new visitors. “One of the key reasons behind the success was using the Bynder asset workflow tool allowed us to operate efficiently across markets and multiple teams. We use digital templates that empower marketers to create on-brand, on-demand content which ensures brand consistency and allows them to localize at speed,” she explains.

Optimizing content for optimal results across markets

As Schroders produces content in 24 languages across many different channels, it is important to monitor performance. After all, content needs to meet both the business goals as well as the user needs and expectations, and what works well in some areas or channels, does not work well in others. With consistent content across all channels, Schroders can deliver on the ROI, while creating a seamless experience for customers and prospects.

Working with Brand Guidelines, digital assets, and creative workflows in one place makes it easier to create a seamless process and really empowers local teams. Using Bynder enables multiple teams across multiple markets to work together cohesively. The localization team can create localized content, after which the design team can create the digital assets, the local teams can easily give signoff, and the digital teams can work the assets into the website.

Farzana adds: “Although it might not sound like the most exciting thing, when it came down to the process, this execution really worked for us at a huge scale. Using Studio meant that our central teams could create the global master, and send it over to the local teams to refine for their markets. The local teams could get it out on social media within the hour. This really changed the game for us.

Curious to uncover how you can optimize your workflows, unite internal teams, and improve your ROI on content creation? Request a free demo here.

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