Marketeers probably recognize this next bit as no other - over 70% of your message is not about the text itself. It’s about the visual communication. An image therefore represents a big part of your audience’s perception.

Things like desired effect, perception, and the occasion can be powerful influencers. It leads to today’s main question: What is Image Management Software?

Well, in a nutshell: Monitoring all of the above effects, pro-active evaluation, and controlling the impact all falls under the image management umbrella. To some, it is as much a science as it is an art.

Image management in a real life example

How many times have your heard about (Oh, cliche...) Love at first sight?! It’s not about the words. It’s about the clothing, grooming, a particular body language, vocal intonation, and etiquette. A person will have a particular style, and will want to enhance strenghts and downplay certain weaknesses.

This also means that certain things fall outside the scope of image management Software, and the capabilities of your Image Management System (IMS). Going back to the previous example, one particular thing would be someone’s Personal Development. We could say that image management is about managing “from the inside out”, after all of the development. An IMS, like the Bynder Image Bank, therefore does not include any work flow tools for content and media creation.

Some important questions you’ll have to ask in the process are:

  • What constitutes the right image?
  • Am I projecting the appropriate image for the occasion?
  • Are you answering / questioning the right things in the image?
  • Does the image indeed have the right effect on people, or better, your audience?