We did it! We rebranded Bynder. Moreover, we did it in one week!

If that sounds incredible and unrealistic to you, that’s because it sort of is. Take my word for it, however, it’s the truth – exceeding expectations is just how we roll!

We try to have a lightning-fast turn around and be on-point in everything that we do, whether its software development or marketing. With our strong team of 36 in-house developers and designers, we manage to accomplish what some companies take 6 months to do.

And so, without further ado, let me present to you our new logo:

How We Rebranded 1 How We Rebranded 1 How We Rebranded 1 How We Rebranded 1 How we rebranded Bynder in one week

What do you think?? We all fell in love with it the instant our designers shared showed it to us for the first time.

On that note, I would love to share with you how we managed rebrand our entire company in just one week.

In the years since Bynder’s inception, our team has gained a lot of experience in rebranding based on our work for clients and partners that utilized Bynder for their own rebranding process. We’ve lost count of how many brands we have helped through this difficult process. After all, rebranding your entire company identity is so much more than just designing a new logo and placing it at the top of your website. Rebranding also inevitably involves convincing your colleagues that rebranding at this particular point in time is a worthwhile pursuit. It involves updating or re-creating most if not all of your promotional and advertising materials. It involves briefing brand management, creative agencies, partners, resellers, AND customers.

Rebranding is a company-wide initiative that involves every single person affiliated with your business, whether they work in sales, marketing, or support.

Communication = Key

My advice to you would be to be fully transparent and strategic with your intentions. You are likely (hopefully!) in love with your new logo - make your colleagues as enthusiastic about your brand’s facelift as you are! Inspire them to be ambassadors for these changes. In our case, we ordered merchandise featuring our new brand to get the team excited: sunglasses and fake tattoos. My colleagues loved it! Not only was it a cool giveaway, it was something they could also show off to family and friends.

Most importantly, make sure you provide your teammates with access to the new brand. Make the new logo(s), fonts, and document templates easily accessible. We placed ours within our internal Bynder asset library, and gave anyone who would feasibly be using it download rights.

I also made sure to hit “Archive” on all our old branding that was already in the asset library in order to avoid any possible confusion.

In addition, we made sure that our marketing team fully updated our visual identity within our Brand Identity Guidelines module. Using the Guidelines module to update your branding ensures that every stakeholder, from reseller to developer, can easily access the most up-to-date guidelines and templates at any given time. Thus, not only are the new visual identity parameters described and explained, all relevant files are also offered for download on the same page.

How We Rebranded 2 How We Rebranded 2 How We Rebranded 2 How We Rebranded 2 How we rebranded Bynder in one week

If You Do Decide to Rebrand, Be Thorough

Rebranding is not just about designing a new logo: it is about creating a new brand world. Be consistent with your changes, and make sure you have all your bases covered. For example, don’t switch your logo on your website and nowhere else. Bynder’s Team Marketing was working around the clock this week, updating ALL screenshots used anywhere on our website or in any item of collateral (and if you’ve explored our website, you’ll know just how much we love our screenshots!), email signatures, white papers, presentations, our partners’ websites, on our business cards, all banners (both print and HTML), etc. Basically, everywhere that our customers engage with our brand has been updated. It takes a lot of effort, but the need for perfect brand consistency makes such thoroughness a necessity.

Coordinate Like Your Life Depends on It (Because It Does)

I really cannot stress enough how important coordination is to rebranding. Our team was 100% reliant on Bynder’s Creative Project Management (CPM) module in coordinating who did what, how, and when. Because rebranding is such a multilayered process, the order of who did what was integral to making this week a hard-earned success. Creative Project Management allowed us to designate deadlines and tasks to individuals and groups of individuals based on what was already completed. So, for example, when I wanted my Dutch marketing colleague to work on an updated version of a document, all I had to do was tag her name under the file, and she would get an automated email bringing my request to her attention. Easy-peasy!

Another amazingly useful CPM feature that, I have to confess, I did not appreciate to its full extent prior to rebranding, is version control. This handy tool made it super straightforward to monitor both what was already rebranded, and what still needed to be done. It was the perfect central location for us to gather and work with resources of all shapes and sizes, from screenshots, to promotional materials, to collateral.

What I’m trying to say is this week more than ever before Creative Project Management was the Personal Assistant I never had (and, I now realize, don’t even need).

For more information on how Bynder can aid you in your rebranding efforts, I highly recommend you check out our case studies and white papers.

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