Essential elements: Four technologies for content marketing

Marketing technologies spread across dozens of categories to support all kinds of specific use cases. But what’s essential?

Just like when you go camping, you have to be careful about what you bring along. If you pack too heavy, you’ll be weighed down and slow. If you try to go minimalist and don’t have the right equipment, you can find yourself in some uncomfortable situations.

Fortunately, there are just four essential applications for digital programs. This small collection of capabilities allows teams to support the complete marketing cycle. Most are familiar with three of them: CRM, MAP and CMS.

DAM is quickly becoming the glue that brings them all together.

These core technologies have emerged to support the use of content to create engaging customer experiences across a variety of customer touch points. By moving DAM to the center of your tech stack, you can make content accessible to marketing and creative teams, and connect it to critical systems where it’s best put to use.

Try out DAM for yourself with a free Bynder trial.

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