Email marketing is crucial to retention marketing—writing emails in a quick and efficient manner is a key factor to ensure customer loyalty. Digital asset management facilitates the efficient production of marketing emails that boost customer engagement.

How to access images quickly

In an e-commerce environment, including image files in marketing emails can greatly benefit engagement metrics. However, if product images or logos are not easily accessible, this unnecessarily increases the worktime when creating converting content. Digital asset management software helps to overcome that hurdle and provide the email marketer with a central point to access product shots and images suitable for their communication purposes.

For instance, in an e-commerce shop that sells designer watches, the product photographer will take photos of new models and then upload them to the digital asset management portal. Once uploaded, the marketing team have immediate access and can start using them for marketing purposes—and, specifically, email marketers can craft agile communications with new shots.

Digital asset management software provides email marketers with quick access to images in a number of ways. One of them is through filtering. So, for example, if the watch e-commerce shop has a range of pink children's watches, each product image can be assigned the meta properties ‘pink’ and ‘children's watches’ when uploaded to the digital asset library—or after upload. Then, if the email marketer wants to showcase some pink children’s watches in the next promotional email, then he/she can find products that fit that criterion by applying the appropriate filters.


Another way to successfully navigate digital assets in the asset library is to look them up using the search bar. The user assigns tags to each file during upload—which are short keywords that describe the content of the file. Bynder then matches your search keywords with the tags to produce a list of results.

The search bar also has an auto-complete functionality that improves productivity by offering suggestions after the first few characters. By providing keyword suggestions based on what you have already typed in, auto complete also helps to navigate users searching for an incorrect term. Exploring the asset library using the Bynder search bar is a convenient way for email marketers to find the specific product shots or company logos that they want.

What are the benefits of brand guidelines?

An issue that an email marketer may face when searching through thousands of product images is the inconsistent naming of files. In an e-commerce environment where there are thousands of different products with different product shots, labelling the digital assets in a consistent way is critical. The only way you can enforce the naming convention is by properly educating your teams on the naming convention. This means that users know what to search for and how to name assets during upload.

Bynder provides a brand guidelines module where a guide to digital asset naming conventions can be stored and shared with others in the team. This helps team members to keep in touch with digital asset naming conventions, so that assets are easier to find for both the email marketer and the wider team.

How to share images quickly

When new product images are created and uploaded to the digital asset management portal, it's important that the email marketer is made aware that they exist. If it's a daily challenge to share images, then they may not be shared with all relevant people, and, subsequently, the email marketer may not realize that they exist. For example, without a digital asset management tool, marketers may have to rely on sending product images via email—which is time-consuming as each file must be uploaded to the email, and some files may be forgotten.

As a result, an email marketer might be creating an email in which he/she includes a range of popular products. However, there’s a possibility of the email marketer missing out on more appropriate new product images due to them being shared too late—or not being shared by mistake.

Wall images Wall images Wall images Wall images How digital asset management helps to automate email marketing

In the Bynder portal, users can group product images into collections. The collections can be accurately shared, or made available as a link on the digital asset management homepage. So, for example, if a new range of smartwatches is released, the marketing team can group the new product images into a collection and then share a link to the collection via email. As a result, the email marketer will know that the new product images are ready for use, and can be accessed straight away

Improving email marketing with digital asset management

The Bynder way to manage digital assets offers many ways to improve your efficiency when creating marketing emails. Digital assets are easily accessible via the Bynder digital asset library by using the filter, search bar or by sharing a collection. Improved access to these files means that your emails will be produced faster and more efficiently—and as your retention marketing becomes more efficient, customer loyalty will grow.

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