For more than a century, Mazda has been on a mission to enrich people’s lives through the "Joy of Driving". The iconic car manufacturer has produced award-winning cars for decades, joyfully combining Japanese craftsmanship with sleek, modern aesthetics.

Its reputation for quality motors has been combined with a savvy marketing operation that has produced globally recognizable campaigns and taglines – “Zoom Zoom” arguably its most famous.

These efforts are driven by a globally collaborative marketing machine operating across multiple countries and languages, where efficiency, collaboration, and communication are crucial. To achieve that, Mazda sought to create a digital ecosystem that could facilitate its marketing on a global scale.

Our ambition is to globalize and integrate the marketing tools we commonly use – Bynder’s DAM is a key cornerstone of that.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

Previous challenges

From Tokyo to Toronto, Mazda needs to deliver consistent content experiences that are recognizably "Mazda", while also considering regional customs, languages, and consumer habits.

And marketing the Mazda brand not only targets the customer. There are partners, suppliers, and dealers – each persona needs to be equipped with the right marketing materials, knowledgeable about the latest brand guidelines, and collaborate with each other efficiently.

The main driver was to consolidate and integrate with a best-in-class solution. That was Bynder.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

What Mazda needed

With thousands of employees worldwide, bringing new technology on board isn’t something to be taken lightly. Mazda needed to ensure any new solution demonstrated clear ROI, with maximum user adoption.

Assessing the need for a new digital asset management solution, Mazda audited the DAM landscape and assessed a shortlist of vendors according to an extensive list of 91 requirements.

In short, Mazda was looking for a best-in-class solution that could:

  1. Maximize global effectiveness and efficiencies through digital transformation

  2. Eliminate silos between technologies and teams to save resources and costs

  3. Improve ROI through global sharing and collaboration among regions, markets, departments, and external stakeholders

  4. Build the foundation for content automation and personalization at scale

Bynder delivers on a number of our key requirements: cutting costs, ease of use, operating in multiple languages, and better overall security and control of assets worldwide.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

The solution with Bynder

Mazda’s tailor-made digital asset management solution now operates as the single source of truth for accessing and using brand-compliant digital assets worldwide.

By having one centralized platform that everyone can access, we’re reducing costs by making better use of our assets across markets and reducing duplicate work. We’re collaborating better as one brand.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

Bynder’s experts worked closely with Mazda’s global and regional teams to create a solution that not only unified assets, but was also flexible to local use cases – including a country-specific file taxonomy. That way, regional marketers enjoy more autonomy in their work, while HQ has clear visibility and control over how the brand is marketed around the world.

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Our DAM is configured in a way that gives each market complete control over how assets are used and shared. They can share assets globally, or keep them restricted locally – all on one platform.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

Mazda’s Bynder portal also includes the additional modules Creative Workflow and Studio, plus integrations with Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Optimizely.

Key benefits

Mazda’s ultimate goal with DAM was to ensure its content operations were as efficient as can be – simplifying processes, not overcomplicating them.

By having a single – yet configurable – DAM solution for all markets, duplicate work and manual admin are down; content reuse and cross-market collaboration are up. Whether it’s supporting dealerships with the latest showroom brochures, or integrating with its CMS to fuel on-brand digital experiences, Mazda now benefits from fewer content-related costs, faster time-to-market, and better brand compliance worldwide.

The goal in adopting DAM was to simplify and make our marketing processes as efficient as possible. It’s been the key connector with Mazda’s wider marketing ecosystem.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

Beyond digital asset management

Bynder’s Creative Workflow is used to ensure Mazda’s HQ, local regions and agencies can review, edit, and approve digital assets in record time – in some cases, shortening the process by 70% compared to before.

Marketing teams are now able to create and share globally adaptable, multilingual marketing assets directly from Bynder, ready for dealers to quickly access and use.

Bynder allows Mazda to better enable its dealers with the latest and greatest marketing materials in key local markets, a critical use case for the Mazda team.

Still expanding the Bynder solution to more markets and teams, Mazda has big plans for DAM and its wider digital ecosystem.

Mazda is starting to use the Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration to boost the speed-to-market of its brand campaigns. Likewise, Mazda believes Dynamic Asset Transformation will play a big role in automating the delivery of on-brand assets to its CMS, and subsequently its website:

DAT has real potential to improve the performance of our websites, speed to market, and cut down on content-related costs.
Luke Roberts
Marketing Lead, Global Virtual Team at Mazda

Book a demo and see what Bynder can do for you

Over 4,000 organizations worldwide use Bynder as their brand’s digital home for delivering exceptional content experiences. From centralized file storage and secure asset sharing to better brand consistency and project collaboration, we have a tailored solution to fit the needs of each and every customer. Why not see what Bynder can do for you with a free demo?

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