Booksy is on a mission to become the world’s most trusted solution for appointment-based businesses – with a strong focus on the health, beauty, and wellness sectors. Delivering convenient tools for client management and marketing via its cloud-based platform, Booksy enables customers to schedule their appointments in just 10 seconds.

Since starting out in Poland as a small reservation app back in 2015, Booksy has steadily expanded its global reach – the US is now the biggest market with a client base that’s effectively doubled year-on-year. Booksy’s Global Marketing Coordinator, Rebecca Baxter, explains:

We currently have 19 million users and over 500 employees across six countries. We’re growing on a daily basis, which is awesome to be a part of.

Challenges before Bynder

Growing rapidly was not without challenges. Booksy needs to offer a consistent customer experience to businesses and users, wherever they are – while also enabling regional marketers and sales professionals to be adaptable to local needs.

Previously using Google Drive to organize, manage, and distribute digital assets, team and regional siloes were soon apparent and it took its toll on brand governance. There was a lack of oversight on what was up-to-date, how content should be used, and who was using it.

We wanted a solution that made it easy for everyone to understand and use the latest marketing and sales materials relevant to them. So whatever they’re using, they always know it’s the latest version, aligned with our brand guidelines, and ready for public use.

Creating a clear agenda for the Booksy brand with Bynder

Booksy uses Bynder’s digital asset management solution to be more than just a repository for its content library – it’s a self-serving, collaborative space that is tailored according to the needs of specific roles and markets.

Whether it’s onboarding resources for a new nail salon getting started in Booksy, or marketing templates for a long-time client looking to attract more bookings, Booksy has a centralized, single source of truth in Bynder that is organized according to different customer interactions.

Our Bynder portal homepage differs depending on if you’re in sales or marketing. Sales employees can easily view and access the materials most relevant to them, so they have the tools they need to focus on bringing in customers.

As well as sales enablement, marketers are able to serve up the right content at the right time with the latest and greatest brand materials – not only internally, but externally to customers to ensure consistent content experiences across all channels.

Bynder’s guiding principle has been fostering communication and collaboration for us. We’re thinking and collaborating on a global level, while also enabling marketers to be self-sufficient locally and do what’s best for their own markets.

Book a demo and see what Bynder can do for you

Over 4000 organizations worldwide use Bynder as their brand’s digital home for delivering exceptional content experiences. From centralized file storage and secure asset sharing to better brand consistency and project collaboration, we have a tailored solution to fit the needs of each and every customer. Why not see what Bynder can do for you with a free demo?

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