Founded in 2000, Australia for UNHCR unites caring Australians – individuals, community groups, and businesses – to support refugees and people displaced from their homes, families, and countries due to conflict and persecution. The charity advocates and fundraises for refugee protection, emergency aid, and long-term solutions, helping UNHCR support millions of displaced people each year.

Whether it’s raising awareness on emergency refugee crises or keeping donors up-to-date with fundraising initiatives, Australia for UNHCR produces a lot of marketing materials to help raise funds and support refugees and displaced people.

Photos and stories from on-the-ground reporting are fundamental to the production of fundraising campaigns, impact reports, and marketing initiatives.

When on mission, we take a lot of professional photos which are then fed back into advertising, appeals, campaigns, and reports - centralizing these marketing materials in one collaborative space was critical
Jane Prior
DAM Consultant at Australia for UNHCR

The need for DAM

With so many stakeholders—both internal and external—involved in the production and promotion of marketing materials, it was essential for the DAM solution to fulfill certain requirements:

  • User-friendly, not overly technical: They didn’t want to spend hours training every new stakeholder before they could use the platform.
  • Fostered self-sufficiency: As a global operation, they wanted to ensure those in the organization could access their content library and find what they need, when they need it.
  • Centralized old and new assets: Aiming for simplicity and convenience, they wanted a DAM platform that could function as the 'single source of truth' for both new assets and archival materials.
  • A DAM partner, not just a provider: Australia for UNHCR has unique needs, and they wanted a DAM supplier that could understand their specific use case and foster an ongoing relationship, long after implementation.

The transformation with Bynder

The go-to location for finding and sharing assets

No longer having to trawl through an unorganized local drive containing 70,000 images, Bynder’s intuitive search filters and tailor-made taxonomy enables everyone to find the files they need in seconds.

Customizable and self-serving

Bynder’s user-friendly interface and customizable user profiles provide a straightforward experience for everyone—without requiring extensive training or technical know-how.

More collaborative campaign planning

With Bynder’s Collections feature, the team can collaborate in creating shareable, pre-approved image collections for specific campaigns and fundraising appeals. That way, all stakeholders can quickly go-to-market with a consistent set of campaign assets.

Archival space for better visibility

Collaboration and communication with the UNHCR headquarters in Switzerland is inevitably important. Now, Australia for UNHCR can use Bynder as their central archive for all campaign assets, ensuring a clear overview of previous activities.

Bynder allowed us to be much more collaborative - we could create shareable file collections for specific fundraising campaigns that included pre-approved images that ensured campaign consistency and increased efficiency when publishing.
Shannon Kolbe
Digital Project Manager at Australia for UNHCR

Read the full Australia for UNHCR x Bynder story here

Over 2200 organizations worldwide use Bynder as their brand’s digital home. From centralized file storage and secure asset sharing to better brand consistency and project collaboration, we have a tailored solution to fit the needs of each and every customer. Why not see what Bynder can do for you with a free demo?