Off to new grounds! How Bynder helps sales departments comply when conquering new markets

Market expansion. What does it entail in the digital era? One thing is for sure, market expansion goes far beyond just setting up a new office or sticking a sales rep into a new market and hoping for the best.

Collaborating across different regions and markets is standard procedure for most enterprise companies these days. Take the financial company Xpensitu. They’re launching into a new market, and to scale smoothly, they want to ensure their Sales team is 100% compliant with digital asset rights across the globe.

Xpensitu are planning to grow their operations across the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region, starting with China as their initial target market. As Xpensitu is headquartered in the Netherlands, coordinating with the new team based in China can be tricky when you’re dealing with not only a big time difference, but differences in working culture too. In order to ensure calls and meetings are as productive as possible, as a Sales rep, I want to ensure that colleagues in both regions are on the same page, with everyone having access to the relevant content.

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To achieve this, I’m uploading my content to Bynder and am guided through the process as I attach the correct categories (i.e. metaproperty options) to the uploaded materials. By doing this, data that is already embedded into the file, so-called EXIF data, such as copyrights or usage rights is automatically extracted and populates some of the fields set up in the asset library. If such information isn't embedded into the file, it can be filled in manually after upload and gets then mapped to the relevant fields upon download.

Now that everything is uploaded to Bynder correctly, the next step is to ensure that everyone has access to the right materials.

Before Bynder, We had a whole host of issues that made it very difficult to work with digital assets. These included: Low upload and download speeds, We couldn’t connect to our previous platform from outside of the office. We couldn’t have some of our external partners access our documents and really collaborate in the management of our assets. And we just needed something that would help us live up to the expectations of this new brand mantra which is forever faster.
Eduardo Gallegos
Global Marketing Planning Manager at Puma

Access the right things at the right time!

Xpenditure started their journey of conquering a new market using Bynder. Let's take a closer look at how they ensure the right people get access to the right assets.

When uploading my files, I can decide whether or not my colleagues can access those straight away, or if I only want my Dutch colleagues to access them. Maybe I also want to ensure that colleagues need to request the download first.

Once I’ve tagged my files, I’m sending them for approval prior to publishing. That way, I can make sure a content admin checks that the files meet our standards for usage, so there’s no room for error. Also, my new colleagues in China can be assured that the materials they’re using are compliant, consistent, and aligned with our brand guidelines.

The ‘Country’ metaproperty allows me to define which users get role-based access to content in the DAM. There’s also a ‘Global’ metaproperty that can applied for content that everyone can access. This flexibility ensures we can tailor how content is distributed across markets, so all users only see what they need to see. Ultimately, all users are categorized into different user roles that define how much functionality is available to them in the system. This structure provides the control we need from a higher level, and the customization to ensure maximum autonomy for our users.

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Now that our new colleagues in China have access to the relevant materials, they can use Bynder’s file-sharing capabilities to engage with their prospects. By sharing a content collection, users can autonomously build their own personal and branded website and share it with their partners. They can also customize access to the collection, with the option to: download the originals, in low resolution, or just for view only with no download options. Now they’ve got what they need, partners can go out to meet prospects, and simply bring their iPads with them to showcase the latest and greatest assets.

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Conquering new markets can be exciting, and with a little help from Bynder, getting the right content to the right people makes the whole process smooth sailing!

International expansion really prompted us to find a better way to organize and distribute our assets.
Molly Catalano
VP of Marketing & Communications at Five Guys
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