Boost your digital transformation!

How Bynder helps increase asset re-use and employee engagement

Everyone is talking about digital transformation these days but what does it actually entail? For the majority of companies, it’s not about digitizing files anymore, that’s long happened or is at least in progress. Digital transformation is a long-term strategic initiative, not just a trend that will pass. The fact that it looks different for every company and can mean different things, makes it even more complex. There is one constant across every aspect of it though: Digital transformation relies on digital content. In order to execute on any aspect of it, you need digital content and digital assets.

In today’s spotlight, we are going to zoom in on how the Bynder product increases both re-use of assets and employee engagement as part of the digital transformation of Paperless Office, a large retail company. In their process of transforming digitally, they came to Bynder with the goal to bring their ways of working with their assets across the organization to the next level and get the most out of their investment.

Laying a foundation for digital transformation with DAM

Together with their dedicated in-house Customer Onboarding Managers, Paperless Office managed to set up their very own brand new digital asset management system (DAM). First, they uploaded their evergreen files to make them ready for re-use and available to everyone. These "evergreen" files are called this because they continue to remain relevant to the company for a long time for many different purposes. By starting with the most important assets, it ensures that they will get employees on board fast because the materials they need will live in their DAM and no longer in dusty folders, hard drives or personal desktops spread across the organization.

Blog Bynder Content 2019 June Context Is Queen Ch2 Channels
Because of Bynder’s user-friendly features we were able to introduce and rollout its usability to our employees with ease. The tool allows us to be in full charge of all Icelandair’s digital assets at one centralised point.
Guðmundur Óskarsson
Director Marketing and Business Development at Icelandair

How Paperless Office increased ROI and operational efficiency with Bynder

We saw how our fictive retail company Paperless Office laid a foundation for digital transformation with DAM. Now that this is set up they are able to populate it to get their users on board. In the bulk upload it is easy to ingest large batches of assets into the DAM. The intuitive interface allows content managers and habilitated users to seamlessly add newly created material. When uploading the files, the metadata is attached, to facilitate the retrieval of assets for the end user. The metadata ensures the assets are found with ease and, ultimately, used.

Once everything is uploaded and tagged, end users benefit from a single source of truth. Not only are the assets visible and easy to find, the slick interface invites them to browse through them, it’s almost like window shopping! In order to promote best practices and increase re-use of assets, the admins have built a portal homepage as entry point and welcome page for the users. They’ve built asset synergies! Paperless Office has subsidiaries across the globe and the fact that global best practices are showcased now lets other offices reuse those files. No need to hire local agencies to produce new content. Not only does this lower costs, it increases efficiency and ultimately return on investment!

If there is a new version of an asset, the previous one can be easily replaced with a new version of that file. This new version is then the new original and will be automatically replaced in the collections shared. No need to manually update anything anymore! The metadata and usage rights information stays on the file!

Blog Bynder Content 2019 June Context Is Queen Ch2 Asset Version
Bynder offers us a dynamic platform for connecting with our stakeholders both inside and outside the company. It’s our central resource for creating, managing and sharing assets for over 100 AkzoNobel brands.
Sarah Roozendaal
Brand Manager at AkzoNobel

Want to know more? Click below for the Executive guide for marketing: 3 models on digital transformation.

DAM, like digital transformation, is never done

We saw how Paperless Office benefits from using Bynder's asset library as the single source of truth. Now that the files are more visible than ever across the entire organization and best practices are shared, Paperless Office also wants to increase the external distribution to re-use their assets even more. Files are accessible now anywhere, anytime and ready to be shared! That can be done straight from the Asset Library or in the form of a Collection.

Bynder as a collaborative application and cloud DAM platform has kick-started digital transformation at Paperless Office, but there are even more possibilities they want to explore, specifically dealing with APIs and their data. Because Bynder has an open API, the possibilities of connectivity are indefinite. In the case of the retailer Paperless Office, they want to integrate their DAM with their Product Information Management (PIM) system. They want to use their PIM as the first entry point of information. As soon as a new product is added, the product information is pushed into Bynder. Bynder then returns the metadata and image to the PIM. That way, the systems are seamlessly integrated. And this is just the beginning.

Blog Bynder Content 2019 June Context Is Queen Ch2 Collections

Digital transformation is the way forward. Bynder is a critical part of transformations and helps companies like Paperless Office become more future proof. We call your files ‘assets’ for a reason - Those files are valuable. SO valuable. Created with care, curated, approved, beautified. At Bynder we want to help you get the most out of your digital assets through maximizing their re-use, and amplifying your return on investment for DAM!

Bynder makes it possible to import, search, view and share all content of the Groupe SEB brands in a few clicks. This tool is at the heart of our digital acceleration, helping each user to easily access the media and product lines they need.
Serge Miard
Head of Digital Marketing & eCommerce at Groupe SEB

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