Producing effective marketing materials makes a powerful statement not only to your audiences, but also to your competition. Improve your brand with these 8 dynamic tips:

  1. Revise and Revive! Take a critical look at your current marketing materials. What do you like? What hasn't worked? What looks dated? Decide what materials should be scrapped and which ones are in need of a makeover
  2. Clear Your View. What are you trying to convey to your audiences? How quickly and easily can your content be read? Do your marketing materials catch viewers’ attention? Understanding your customers is essential when it comes to creating marketing materials that sell your goods and services effectively. Clear out the clutter and make sure that what you’re presenting is attractive to your target demographic.
  3. Quality > Everything Else. Does your website load quickly? Does it have an up to date, modern feel to it? What kind of paper do you use for your business cards? Are your YouTube videos jerky and/or grainy? All of these things not only play a huge role in how your audiences perceive your brand, but also in how they respond to your marketing tactics. Remember: good quality always prevails!
  4. Snap & Shoot. Sure your customers are willing to hear what you have to say, but we live in a visual age — modern day customers also want to see what you are talking about! Blurry, low quality images often result in an unclear message. Use a good camera, or a good photographer. If you are completely unfamiliar with high quality images, take a photography class — trust me, it will be a worthwhile investment!
  5. Marry Your Text and Images. The text and images you use should always work in synergy. A bad image and great copy or vice versa will not convey your message as successfully as you would hope. Make sure your text and images always work in unison, not independently of each other.
  6. Be Consistent. Logos, fonts, graphics and colors should all be based on the same stylistic guidelines. Your materials should have a cohesive look across all channels, from LinkedIn to Twitter, to your website
  7. Less Is More: Be Interesting. Don't overwhelm your audiences with information. Be clear and concise, but keep your posts engaging.
  8. Sharing is Caring. By making it easy to share your marketing materials, you can reach a wider audience. Sharing should be effortless, so always include a “share” feature for all your social media networks alongside all your marketing materials.
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